IFP calls on South Africans to take a stand in 2017

Inkatha Freedom Party leader Mangosuthu Buthelezi on Saturday called for South Africans to take a stand in 2017‚ saying they could not afford to be apolitical or sideline spectators as too much was at stake.

IN a New Year message‚ he said 2016 had been difficult and often frustrating‚ but with the new year came the opportunity to map a new course.

“This is the time to make a decision that will shape 2017. We are not helpless bystanders witnessing the downward spiral of the economy‚ politics and social cohesion. We are participants‚ with the power to influence what happens next.

“With the state of our nation‚ not a single citizen can step back and claim that there is nothing they can do. It is only through a collective effort that we will put South Africa back on track towards fulfilling the promises of democracy.

“We cannot afford to be apolitical‚ neither can we afford ignorance. We need to educate ourselves on what is happening‚ who is driving it‚ and whether it is good for our country. We need to ask questions‚ and demand answers. We need to get involved‚” Buthelezi asserted.

“In 2017‚ let us set aside our prejudices and preconceived ideas‚ and really examine South Africa’s politics. Are all our political parties what they claim to be? How much is mere talk‚ and how much is true? If we were to empower any one party‚ where would that lead?

“This is the time to make a decision. If you are not yet politically active‚ I encourage you to examine the options and take a stand. Because in 2017 there will be no place for side-line critics and spectators. There is too much at stake‚” the IFP leader added.

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