IN PICS | South Africans marvel at snowfall as country experiences cold weather

The country hit freezing temperatures early this week following a cold front

A girl plays with snow during a cold front near Ceres, South Africa, July 8, 2024.
A girl plays with snow during a cold front near Ceres, South Africa, July 8, 2024.
Image: REUTERS/Esa Alexander

As the cold front hit the South African shores on Monday, parts of the country had the blessing of witnessing the snowfall in what was deemed as the coldest day of the year so far.

While some stayed at home with heaters and hot beverages, some went out to enjoy creating snowmen.

Here are some of the fun moments that were captured:

Snow covers the Kagga Kamma Nature Reserve units in the Western Cape.
Snow covers the Kagga Kamma Nature Reserve units in the Western Cape.
Image: Dale Galloway
Motorists queue after a snowfall during a cold front near Ceres, South Africa, July 8, 2024.
Motorists queue after a snowfall during a cold front near Ceres, South Africa, July 8, 2024.
Image: REUTERS/Esa Alexander
A snowman is seen during a cold front near Ceres, South Africa, July 8, 2024.
A snowman is seen during a cold front near Ceres, South Africa, July 8, 2024.
Image: REUTERS/Esa Alexander
Mountains and Semonkong Lodge covered in snow in Lesotho.
Mountains and Semonkong Lodge covered in snow in Lesotho.
Image: Supplied
A man walks his dog in the snow during a cold front near Ceres, South Africa, July 8, 2024.
A man walks his dog in the snow during a cold front near Ceres, South Africa, July 8, 2024.
Image: REUTERS/Esa Alexander
Kagga Kamma Nature Reserve in the Western Cape.
Kagga Kamma Nature Reserve in the Western Cape.
Image: Dale Galloway
A man walks his dog in the snow during a cold front near Ceres, South Africa, July 8, 2024.
A man walks his dog in the snow during a cold front near Ceres, South Africa, July 8, 2024.
Image: REUTERS/Esa Alexander
Semonkong Lodge in Lesotho
Semonkong Lodge in Lesotho
Image: Supplied
People enjoy the snowfall during a cold front near Ceres, South Africa, July 8, 2024.
People enjoy the snowfall during a cold front near Ceres, South Africa, July 8, 2024.
Image: REUTERS/Esa Alexander
Kagga Kamma Nature Reserve
Kagga Kamma Nature Reserve
Image: Dale Galloway
People enjoy the snowfall during a cold front near Ceres, South Africa, July 8, 2024.
People enjoy the snowfall during a cold front near Ceres, South Africa, July 8, 2024.
Image: REUTERS/Esa Alexander
Kagga Kamma Nature Reserve
Kagga Kamma Nature Reserve
Image: Dale Galloway
People play with snow during a cold front near Ceres, South Africa, July 8, 2024.
People play with snow during a cold front near Ceres, South Africa, July 8, 2024.
Image: REUTERS/Esa Alexander