Edward Zuma: 'Public protector spared Ramaphosa serious embarrassment'

Former president Jacob Zuma's son Edward Zuma.
Former president Jacob Zuma's son Edward Zuma.

Former president Jacob Zuma’s son Edward Zuma says public protector Busisiwe Mkwebane has spared President Cyril Ramaphosa “some serious embarrassment as the issues at hand are much deeper than meets the eye”.

Zuma's WhatsApp comment on Mkwebane’s findings came after the release of her report into a R500‚000 donation made by Bosasa boss Gavin Watson to Ramaphosa's campaign for the ANC presidency.

Mkhwebane found that Ramaphosa had violated the executive ethics code by deliberately misleading parliament‚ among other accusations. Her report also found that there were merits to allegations of money laundering based on how money was donated.

But Ramaphosa announced during a media briefing on Sunday night that he would seek an urgent judicial review of Mkhwebane’s findings against him‚ because they were "wrong in law and irrational".

Zuma on Monday posted on WhatsApp that he had read Mkhwebane’s report and that he‚ personally‚ had “worrying concerns” which‚ he believed‚ if investigated “will help us‚ as members of the public to understand and connect the dots.”

- TMG Digital

President Cyril Ramaphosa held a press conference at the Union Buildings in Pretoria on July 21 2019 to reply to public protector Busisiwe Mkhwebane's report that found he violated the ethics code.

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