Investigator in Namhla Mtwa murder fled Mthatha after death threats: Bheki Cele

Andisiwe Makinana Political correspondent
A march demanding justice for Namhla Mtwa was recently held in Mthatha.
A march demanding justice for Namhla Mtwa was recently held in Mthatha.

A top police investigator probing Namhla Mtwa’s murder in Mthatha was pulled off the case after threats on her life.

Police minister Bheki Cele told parliament on Thursday that the police sent a senior investigator from Limpopo, who is at the level of a brigadier and one of the top investigators in the SAPS, to bolster the investigation.

“She encountered problems like threats and we had to protect her”, said Cele. “She has been [taken off the case] but we have brought in other investigators.”

He said the matter was still under investigation and police will ensure that they see the investigation through and that the matter goes to court.

Mtwa was killed outside her home in Mthatha. Her murder made headlines across the country and a big march was held in the city to protest her death. It was alleged that the 35-year-old was in an abusive relationship.

Cele told parliament the case was more complicated than initially thought but the investigation continues.

“It’s not true that this has been stalled, the investigation continues.”

Cele was responding to a question from EFF MP Henry Shembeni who accused the police of failing Mtwa’s family.

“Why has this investigation stalled, what message is the failure of SAPS to arrest those who murdered Namhla doing to the public’s confidence in the ability of the police to investigate GBV cases?” he asked.


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