ActionSA fires former Tshwane MMC Abel Tau for sexual misconduct

Fikile-Ntsikelelo Moya Political Editor
ActionSA's former MMC for human settlements in Tshwane, Abel Tau.
ActionSA's former MMC for human settlements in Tshwane, Abel Tau.
Image: Twitter

It took less than a month for ActionSA to suspend, discipline and then terminate former Tshwane MMC for human settlements Abel Tau’s membership.

Tau was on October 19 suspended and ultimately found guilty on the charges laid by the wife of a family friend and fellow party member who said Tau had tried to force himself on her.

Last night, the party’s senate decided to act on the recommendations of the disciplinary committee and ended his relationship with the party.

The case against him was that he and the friend spent a night of drinking after which his friend passed out. Tau then called the wife to come and fetch her husband from Tau’s house because he was too drunk to drive himself home.

Upon arrival, Tau allegedly made sexual advances on her, which she rebuffed.

ActionSA chairperson Michael Beaumont emphasised that the findings against Tau did not necessarily relate to the criminal charges against him.

Although Tau faced a charge pertaining to one woman, the hearing heard evidence from others, suggesting that there was a pattern of behaviour in Tau’s engagements with women.

“The panel, chaired by Adv Gill Benson, heard evidence from a number of witnesses but determined that the charges relating to the alleged criminal conduct would be dealt with in the courts,” said Beaumont.

He told Sowetan that it was important that the party demonstrated to society that it was decisive and that it took gender-based violence seriously.

“The senate specifically looked at the conduct of Tau and concluded that this was inconsistent with ActionSA’s values of ethical leadership. Positions of authority and power in ActionSA are entrusted responsibilities to leaders that can never be abused for sexual advances or to subjugate women. This conduct has brought ActionSA into disrepute.

Sowetan could not immediately reach Tau for comment.

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