IFP labels EFF’s assassination claim as ‘inflammatory and dangerous politicking’

Nomazima Nkosi Senior reporter
IFP spokesperson Mkhuleko Hlengwa says the EFF's allegations are 'inflammatory and dangerous politicking'.
IFP spokesperson Mkhuleko Hlengwa says the EFF's allegations are 'inflammatory and dangerous politicking'.
Image: Freddy Mavunda

The IFP has called on police minister Bheki Cele and the State Security Agency to clarify the allegations of an assassination plot allegedly hashed by the party against EFF secretary-general Marshall Dlamini.

This follows a media statement released by the EFF accusing senior IFP leaders of plotting to kill Dlamini.

On Tuesday, the EFF said it had received a briefing from the South African Police Services (SAPS) in KwaZulu-Nata,l who revealed a plot to assassinate Dlamini who resides in the province.

In response, IFP national spokesperson Mkhuleko Hlengwa labelled the accusations as inflammatory and dangerous politicking.

They (EFF) have produced nothing whatsoever to back up this serious claim, which the IFP now demands be investigated by SAPS. If SAPS genuinely knew of an assassination plot, and knew who was plotting it, they would have made arrests, Hlengwa said.

Perhaps the EFF should be reminded of the findings of the Moerane commission of inquiry into political killings in KwaZulu-Natal. The major trend revealed was intra-party violence within the ANC; the very ANC that the EFF has jumped back into bed with.

The EFF’s latest political stunt of removing themselves from co-governance with the IFP did not yield the results they had hoped for. They believed they could force the IFP into a position to hand over municipalities, but the IFP was unwilling to betray the trust of the communities that voted for us.

Now that their plans have backfired, the EFF is making wild, unfounded, and extremely dangerous accusations against the IFP.

Furthermore, it is not lost on us that the EFF’s newfound love for the ANC is to enable grand looting and fundraising VBS style, ahead of its much hyped 10th birthday celebrations in July," said Hlongwa in reference to the Limpopo mutual bank that was run to the ground as a result of alleged looting by political elites.

What they fail to realise – or know, but simply don’t care – is that their lack of honesty and consistency is deeply disrespectful to the electorate. It is reminiscent of an abusive relationship with the people being the victims of a repugnant bully, Hlengwa continued.

Furthermore, it is not lost on us that the EFF’s newfound love for the ANC is to enable grand looting and fundraising VBS style, ahead of its much hyped 10th birthday celebrations in July,
Mkhulelo Hlengwa, national spokesperson of IFP

EFF national spokesperson Sinawo Thambo said earlier that the partyhad received a briefing from SAPS alleging that senior leaders of IFP were plotting to assassinate Dlamini.

The reliable intelligence reports illustrate that senior leaders of the IFP believe that our secretary-general is solely responsible for the collective decision we took to initiate and support motions of no confidence against IFP mayors in several municipalities in the province.

The EFF condemns with contempt the plot to assassinate our SG or any leader for selfish and narrow political purposes. We do not take these reports lightly because the province of KwaZulu-Natal has been defined by many political assassinations for a very long time, a habit which the EFF has never been associated with and has condemned since our formation 10 years ago, Thambo said.

The SAPS and the ministry of police are yet to comment on the allegations.

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