Tshwane Bus Services resumes operations after illegal strike

Tshwane Bus Services suspended commuter operations on Tuesday due to an illegal strike by drivers. Operations have resumed.
Tshwane Bus Services suspended commuter operations on Tuesday due to an illegal strike by drivers. Operations have resumed.
Image: GP community safety via Twitter

Tshwane Bus Services (TBS) has resumed operations after drivers affiliated to the South African Municipal Workers' Union (Samwu) embarked on an illegal strike.

The strike disrupted commuter operations and led the city to suspend services on Tuesday.

City of Tshwane spokesperson Lindela Mashigo said TBS resumed operations on Thursday.

“After a meeting between the affected stakeholders [on Thursday], it was resolved that the services of an external investigator be enlisted to explore ways to find an amicable solution to the drivers' grievances, which include occupational health and safety (OHS) issues, overtime and the proposed work shift system,” said Mashigo.

The city deems the grievances on OHS serious and has committed to addressing them, he said.

“Commuters are assured they will not lose points or credit as their connector cards deduct only when they take a ride.”

The city apologised to TBS commuters for the inconvenience.


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