Northern Cape health head Dion Theys fined R150k for contravening PFMA

Ernest Mabuza Journalist
The head of the department of health in the Northern Cape, Dr Dion Theys.
The head of the department of health in the Northern Cape, Dr Dion Theys.
Image: Northern Cape health department.

The head of the department (HOD) of health in the Northern Cape, Dr Dion Theys, was on Wednesday sentenced to a fine of R150,000 or three years’ imprisonment for contravening the Public Finance Management Act (PFMA). 

The National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) said Theys, who was acting HOD and accounting officer during the commission of the offences during 2010 and 2012, concluded three lease agreements for accommodation of nursing students with JP Hugo Trading — amounting to more than R13m — without following proper PFMA prescripts and procurement processes. 

He was arrested by the Hawks in March 2021 and released on R30,000 bail before his trial started in March last year. 

The Kimberley specialised commercial crimes court said on Wednesday that R100,000 of the R150,000 fine, or two years of the three-year jail term, is suspended for five years, on condition that Theys is not found guilty of the same offence during the time of suspension.

“The fine is payable as follows to the clerk of the court; R10,000 should be paid before or on September 7 2023, and after that R2,000 should be paid before or on the seventh of each consecutive month until the fine is fully paid up,” NPA spokesperson Mojalefa Senokoatsane said. 

Northern Cape director of public prosecutions Livingstone Sakata applauded the prosecution team — led by the head of the NPA’s specialised commercial crimes unit, advocate Brian Mdlalose, and senior state advocate Isaac Mphela — and the Hawks in securing a conviction in the complicated matter.

 “[Sakata] hopes this sentence will send a clear message to other perpetrators of corruption and fraud, that indeed the NPA and law-enforcement agencies are serious about fighting crime,” Senokoatsane said. 


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