About 650k people to vote from their homes

Special votes to be held two days before May 29

IEC National spokesperson Kate Bapela.
IEC National spokesperson Kate Bapela.
Image: Freddy Mavunda

At least 653,000 South Africans will cast their votes from the comfort of their homes, the Electoral Commission of SA (IEC) has said.

This cohorts is part of the 1,7-million voters who have registered for special votes which will run for two days before May 29.

IEC spokesperson Kate Bapela said special votes are designed to ensure that special measures are put in place to make sure that certain citizens who would otherwise not be able to vote on election day have opportunities to do so.

"In all, there is at least a single approved special vote in 22,000  of the total 23,000 network of voting stations,” said Bapela.

Voters are urged to check their registration details and confirm the location of their correct voting stations ahead of election day by using the IEC page.

Bapela added that more than 387,000 voters have notified the IEC that they would vote at a different voting station, different from the one used during registration.

“The Electoral Commission re-emphasises the general principle that voters may only vote at a voting station at which they are not registered if they have pre-notified the Commission.

"The period of pre-notification closed on Friday, May 17 2024. With capturing yet to be completed, indications are that at least 387,000 voters have pre-notified the commission of their intention to vote at another identified voting station. These voters will cast their ballots on May 29 2024,” 

Meanwhile, about 78,000 citizens living abroad were expected to cast their votes this past weekend. 

Bapela confirmed on Sunday that overall, special voting abroad proceeded smoothly with no major incidents reported. All ballots cast as well as unused ballot papers from all 111 missions will be transported via a secure channel back to the country.

“The ballots may only be counted after the close of voting stations in the country on 29 May. Only then may the commission communicate definitively on turnout for the election,"

“The necessary verifications and counting of the ballots will take place in the presence of representatives of the contestants and observers,”


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