Unemployment, crime were on voters' minds as they went to vote

Noxolo Sibiya Journalist
Residents of Thokoza cast their votes at Thokoza service point.
Residents of Thokoza cast their votes at Thokoza service point.
Image: Veli Nhlapo

Voting day for some residents of Basotho section in Thokoza, Ekurhuleni, continued to be a stark reminder of the challenges they grapple with on a daily basis.

Thuthukile Ntombela, 34, who works for a retail shop, woke up around 5am to prepare to cast her vote before heading to work for her 8am shift.

However, the fear of being robbed while on her way to the voting station was present throughout her journey to Tshwaragano Primary School where she was to cast her vote.

"As it is, I was nervous coming to the voting station this early because we get robbed," she said.

Elections logo
Elections logo
Image: Elections Logo

The mother of one said she hoped that the political party of her choice would fight unemployment which would in turn help fight crime.

"Young people here are idling and they end up using drugs and resorting to crime. 

"It was important for me to be here and make my voice heard and that's why I woke up early," she said.

Lungile Mazibuko was not excited about the political party she has chosen even though she thought well and hard about who she was going to vote for.

The 42-year-old mother went to cast her vote as soon as she knocked off at 6am from her nightshift as a psychiatric nurse.

"I really did put much thought into it, I just made my cross and now I am hoping for the best," she said.

"My children are sitting at home, while I am working for them. It's our biggest problem here. I am not sure it will change. We wait and see," she said.

The station opened at 7am with police and security present.

Some voters were still confused about whether they were able to vote in an area where they did not register, while others were doing last minute checks to find out if they were registered to vote.

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