IN PICS | Cash splashed on luxury rental villas for Kodwa

Zizi Kodwa and Jehan Mackay appearing at Palmridge Magistrates Court on alleged coruption charge.
Zizi Kodwa and Jehan Mackay appearing at Palmridge Magistrates Court on alleged coruption charge.
Image: Antonio Muchave

Former sport minister Zizi Kodwa has been charged over allegations that he accepted bribes totalling about R1.7m from businessman and former EOH boss Jehan Mackay when he was still the spokesperson of the ANC.

The matter came up during the state capture commission.

The commission said Mackay and EOH Group-related companies paid hundreds of thousands of rands for luxury rental accommodations for Kodwa. 

During his testimony in June 2021, Kodwa testified that he was unaware the villas were a rental, as he believed the properties belonged to Mackay. 

Here's a look into those accommodation spots and how much was spent:  

  • The Pentagon Villa in Nettleton Road, Clifton: R100,000
  • Barbados Rental Villas in Camps Bay: R230,000 
  • 53 Avenue Fresnaye, Cape Town: R150,000 

The Pentagon Villa in Nettleton Road, Clifton: R100,000

Image: Cape Town Vacationer
Image: Cape Town Vacationer

Barbados Rental Villas in Camps Bay: R230,000 

Image: Cape Town Villas
Image: Cape Town Villas
Image: Cape Town Villas

53 Avenue Fresnaye, Cape Town: R150,000 

Image: Inova Contracts
Image: Inova Contracts