UDM deputy president rescued after kidnapping in Cape Town

UDM deputy president Nqabayomzi Kwankwa with party leader Bantu Holomisa.
UDM deputy president Nqabayomzi Kwankwa with party leader Bantu Holomisa.

UDM deputy president Nqabayomzi Kwankwa has been rescued after being allegedly kidnapped on his way to the Cape Town International Airport on Tuesday afternoon.

According to party leader Bantu Holomisa, a R10,000 ransom was paid.

“He is safe now. He was kidnapped on his way to the airport. They took the car and all his belongings,” he said.

“We managed to pay it [the ransom] immediately.”

Holomisa said Nkwankwa was safe at the Lingelethu police station in Khayelitsha, Cape Town.

Speaking to SowetanLIVE's sister publication, Dispatch, from Cape Town, party deputy secretary general Zandile Phiri said Nkwankwa had been on his way to Gauteng for President Cyril Ramaphosa’s inauguration at the Union Buildings.

“Unfortunately, we cant say much at the moment he is still at the police station. The party paid the ransom. The organisation will issue a statement.”

This is a developing story.


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