Three life terms for mom who killed two lovers and teen son

Gauteng woman receives three life terms

Pamela Selani was sentenced to three life sentences for the murder of her son and two lovers.
Pamela Selani was sentenced to three life sentences for the murder of her son and two lovers.
Image: Herman Moloi

The Pretoria high court has sentenced a mother to three life sentences for killing her son and two lovers, one of whom allegedly infected her with HIV, then burying them in a single shallow grave at her house in Olievenhoutbosch, Pretoria.

Pamela Selani, 47, was arrested in August 2020 and charged with three counts of murder and one of defeating the ends of justice.

In 2016, Selani killed her boyfriend, Michael Tshangisa after she alleged that he had infected her with HIV.

She beat him to death with a hammer.

A year later she killed her other boyfriend, Gift Phiri, whom she accused of assaulting her. She fed him poison and drowned him in a dustbin filled with water.

Her last victim was her son, Avile Jongwa, who at the time was 17 years old. She killed him in 2018 by assaulting him with a hammer in front of his siblings, aged 5 and 14 at the time.

She then asked the 14-year-old to help bury Avile in the same shallow grave where she had buried her two boyfriends.

Police arrested Selani in August after her surviving son faced mental challenges. Selani took him to a traditional healer where he confessed to the crimes his mother had committed.

Early this month, Selani was convicted of three murders and on one count of defeating the ends of justice.

During the sentencing in Monday, Judge Mokhine Masopa said it was unfortunate that the trial had no victim impact statements.

The family of the two deceased are not traceable, so I am of the view that tells that they were not informed about the deaths and they did not get the opportunity to bury their loved ones, and that they might be still out there looking for their loved ones,he said.

Masopa described Selani as an evil human being who does not care about the rights of others.

The accused is not a suitable candidate for rehabilitation and this is confirmed by the investigating officer report. I find it strange that there can be a person who can kill two lovers and her son, and continue with her life like nothing happened,he said.

Masopa sentenced Selani to three life sentences and an additional five years for defeating the ends of justice.

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