Judgment sets precedent for all future cases

Avian flu judgment sets precedent on compensation over dead animals

The High Court judgment sets precedent for all future cases and officials must now regard animals as being in a ‘healthy’ state, even if they were later infected

26 June 2024 - 08:00
By Tauriq Moosa AND Tauriq Moosa
Picture: 123RF
Picture: 123RF

The department of agriculture, land reform and rural development has been criticised by the high court for refusing to properly compensate a farming company in George, after an avian flu outbreak resulted in about R31m loss of chickens and poultry products.

After instituting a claim, the department decided the compensation would be valued at “nil” but the Western Cape High Court said compensation in terms of the Animal Disease Act could not base compensation on the “yardstick” that animals are diseased and therefore valueless.

The judgment sets precedent for all future cases and officials must now regard animals as being in a “healthy” state, even if they were later infected.

Read more here: www.businesslive.co.za
