Dukwana elected speaker in Free State legislature after ANC intervention

An insider close to Mxolisi Dukwana said the news that he had been snubbed 'was a total shock, even for him'. File photo.
An insider close to Mxolisi Dukwana said the news that he had been snubbed 'was a total shock, even for him'. File photo.
Image: Denvor de Wee

Former Free State premier Mxolisi Dukwana has been elected speaker of the provincial legislature.

Dukwana’s election follows an intervention by senior ANC leaders at Luthuli House, including Deputy President Paul Mashatile, who are said to have pushed for him to be sworn-in as speaker after he lost the race for the premier position.

They are said to have called for Dukwana to be deployed in a senior role befitting his position as ANC provincial chairperson, having failed to impress the top officials in the premiership interviews.

Top ANC officials led by President Cyril Ramaphosa promoted Free State MEC Maqueen Letsoha-Mathae — who is also treasurer-general of the women’s league — as premier after candidate interviews earlier this month.

It was said at the time that Dukwana, who took office in February last year, thought he was a shoo-in to retain the post after the elections last month, but the top brass had other ideas. This is said to have raised the ire of several senior ANC leaders, opening up the two centres of power debate.

The Sunday Times reported at the time Dukwana’s axing could become a source of dissension, with some senior leaders saying he should have at least been appointed speaker of the provincial legislature.

Insiders said ANC leaders called for Dukwana to be elected speaker so he can lead the “institution”. According to insiders, Mashatile and deputy secretary-general Nomvula Mokonyane are among those who held this view. They are said to have rejected proposals that Dukwana be appointed an MEC.

“Mashatile fought that he must become speaker, Nomvula was confirming the point that these guys must meet and reverse that wrong decision of putting someone else as speaker,” one source said.

“He’s the chair, he can’t be just be an MEC, you must make him run an institution.”

A member of the ANC national executive committee (NEC) said the party was making a mistake in creating two centres of power in the province. It was disrespectful to Dukwana as the political head of the province.

“How do you explain leaving out the chair and appointing someone who is not even an [ANC party] official in the province to be premier? Are you not creating problems? It shows you don’t respect him,” the NEC member said.


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