Ex-MEC accused of rape of twin daughters acquitted

Mpumalanga politician and stepson convicted of child abuse

Mandla Khoza Freelance journalist
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A former Mpumalanga MEC who had been accused of raping his 8-year-old twin daughters has been acquitted.

The ANC man, who can't be named to protect the identity of the children, was arrested in 2020 along with his stepson on the allegations that they raped the children and also beat them.

They were both acquitted of rape but convicted of child abuse.

Mpumalanga National Prosecuting Authority spokesperson Monica Nyuswa said the pair was acquitted of rape at the Nelspruit Regional Court on Wednesday. However, they were convicted of child abuse, she said.

"The matter has been postponed 12 July 2024 for sentencing proceedings in the same court," Nyuswa said.

The former MEC is not a stranger to rape allegations. In 2011, a Western Cape woman accused him of rape at the time that he was serving the ANC as a member of the National Assembly.

He was arrested and released on R500 bail. However, charges against him were later withdrawn after the director of public prosecutions decided against prosecuting him.

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