Fun run highlights underage drinking

Event in memory of 21 teenagers who died at Enyobeni tavern

Eastern Cape Liquor Board hosted the Underage Drinking Awareness 21km race on Sunday morning in Beacon bay - the run is dedicated to the 21 young people that perished at Enyobeni Tavern in June 2022
Eastern Cape Liquor Board hosted the Underage Drinking Awareness 21km race on Sunday morning in Beacon bay - the run is dedicated to the 21 young people that perished at Enyobeni Tavern in June 2022
Image: Mark Andrews

It’s all systems go for the annual Eastern Cape Liquor Board’s annual fun run aimed at raising awareness about the dangers of underage drinking.

The event also honours the memory of 21 teenagers who lost their lives at the Enyobeni tavern in 2021.

More than 500 participants are expected to take part in the fun run on Sunday.

Liquor Board spokesperson Mgwebi Msiya said the numbers of participants had grown tremendously.

“We are expecting more than 300 runners, at least, to participate in the 21km, 5km or 2,1km,” he said. “We are also expecting families to walk for fun, including young people.” 

Msiya added that the board was pleased to see the number of young people who had registered as the race was intended for them.

“The race has grown tremendously from last year. In 2023, we had less than 300 runners and this year already we have more than 400 athletes who have already registered and we are hoping more will register at our offices on Friday [1pm to 5m] and Saturday [10am to 5pm].”

He said the initiative was needed in the metro in view of the growing cases of underage drinking and the fact that it was increasingly becoming a hotspot for underage drinking, in particular.

“We have recently grappled with myriad underage drinking cases, including "pens down" parties in the metro, and there is an urgent need for a multidimensional intervention approach,” Msiya said.

The race will start at 7am at the entrance of the Beacon Bay Crossing. “We urge all our athletes to arrive at 6.30am,” he said. “It will also end at the Beacon Bay Crossing.

“Parking and other logistics have been accordingly arranged and all our athletes will be directed as they arrive in the morning. Our young people have responded positively. Many of them have registered, with the majority having registered for the 5km. We are delighted by the positive response. 

“It is also important to highlight the fact that the Eastern Cape Liquor Board has adopted the race as an annual event and will work hard to ensure that it continues to grow, and that everyone in our province and across the country supports this initiative.

“At the end we want to have young people who prioritise their future instead of focusing on alcohol which can be disastrous to their future.”

One of the runners, Mzoli Malala, 62, said running was one of the ways to raise awareness on underage drinking. 

He said as a teacher, the young people who lost their lives at Enyobeni hurt deeply. “Enyobeni affects me in more ways than one. First, as a schoolteacher, on how best can we take our kids away from substance abuse. Also as a parent and a neighbour to Enyobeni as well, I am deeply sympathetic about the tragedy."

Mkhululi Jack, 43, who is also a runner, said alcohol abuse was a big problem. “Alcohol and substance abuse are a serious pandemic in our communities and we don’t take it seriously,” Jack said.

“It is important that we participate in this race to make people aware of these alcohol challenges, using sport as something we can all relate to.”

Jack said that besides the Comrades Marathon, this was one of the races he looked forward to. “We use what we love [running] to tell others about the dangers of alcohol,” he said.

“My dream is to have this event rotate and be held in different communities so that we expand the reach. Communities such as Duncan Village, Mdantsane, Scenery Park and Enyobeni can also be racing points.” – DispatchLIVE

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