WATCH | Some residents see new cabinet as stepping stone to service delivery

‘Dr Kgosientsho Ramokgopa has kept the lights on’

01 July 2024 - 17:42
By Herman Moloi
Lucky Sixolo, 63 from Soweto is also happy with Ramaphosa’s decisions.
Image: Veli Nhlapo Lucky Sixolo, 63 from Soweto is also happy with Ramaphosa’s decisions.

President Cyril Ramaphosa’s cabinet has invoked mixed reactions in people, with some excited and curious to see what the new incumbents have to offer with others expressing outrage and disappointment.

Ramaphosa’s announcement of the new cabinet on Sunday evening that includes among others members of different political parties such as the DA, Freedom Front Plus and the Patriotic Alliance. 

For some, the inclusion of different political parties is step in the right direction and will possibly curb corruption.

Wendy Mathoho, 52 from Soweto told Sowetan she was happy with the new cabinet because it is a mixture of political parties. 

“It’s no longer ANC alone, they failed to create jobs, now they have to co-govern with other parties such as DA so things will change, young people will get jobs. The thing of corruption will now come to an end, there will be accountability,”

It’s no longer ANC alone, they failed to create jobs, now they have to co-govern with other parties such as DA so things will change...
Wendy Mathoho

Lucky Sixolo, 63 from Soweto was also happy with Ramaphosa’s decisions.

“I am so excited with the appointment of cabinet members; I am happy that finally president Cyril Ramaphosa has finally appointed the cabinet. I believe the cabinet will work.”

However, she shared her disapproval of the appointment of the defence minister whom she thinks is old and should have not been included in the cabinet.

“ I am dissatisfied with the appointment of Angie Motshekga. As much as we want women to be in leadership, I feel and believe that Mam Angie should have not been appointed. She is 69. She is old for her to be in defence and military, honestly they shouldn’t have appointed her,” said Sixolo.

Regarding the ministry of electricity, Sixolo couldn’t be happier.

“I am happy with the appointment of minister of electricity [Dr Kgosientsho Ramokgopa] because he has kept the lights on.”

While Sixolo and Mathoho are excited about the cabinet, Sibusiso Magongo, 52, said he was unhappy with it and “totally against” it, saying it won’t liberate black people. 

“I am totally against the cabinet of Cyril Ramaphosa, I don’t think it will liberate our people, it won’t bring back the land because the struggle of our [black] people is based on the question of the land. 

“Some parties in the GNU, even on their manifesto don’t speak about land distribution so they won’t address the issue of the land.”

Tryphina Mayaba, 60, said that she was torn apart.

“I feel very heartbroken with the cabinet. I saw land issue not being addressed, our children are no longer safe because of no security [in the country], crime is a big challenge here in our community.

“ He didn’t consider us [black people], he only thought of his pocket. He really sold us out. Water and electricity is a big challenge,” she said with a voice of dissatisfaction.