LISTEN | I won't comment on super fans, because my name wasn't mentioned – Mama Joy

Koena Mashale Journalist
MamaJoy Chauke, South Africa's greatest sports fan.
MamaJoy Chauke, South Africa's greatest sports fan.
Image: Twitter

Super fan Joy “Mama Joy” Chauke said she will not address any comments on super fans' trips being stopped until the minister of sports, arts, and culture, Gayton McKenzie, mentions her name. 

This statement came after McKenzie tweeted on Tuesday that all trips for super fans have been stopped. 

“I have stopped all trips for super fans. We have athletes and artists who are struggling to raise money to attend sporting events and exhibitions. How do we justify paying for fans? We shall no longer be paying for these trips and will use that money where it’s needed the most,” said McKenzie. 

The tweet received a lot of approval on social media, with many tagging Mama Joy and Botha Msila about it. 

Speaking briefly to SowetanLIVE on Tuesday, Mama Joy said there was not much she could say about McKenzie’s statement as he didn’t mention her name. 

“There is nothing I can say about what he said. He didn’t say my name, and others can comment on what he said, but I will not. I am not scared of anything, but I won’t say anything.” 

“What he said is what he said, but he didn’t mention my name. If my name was there, then I would be able to answer for myself. Maybe they are paying those super fans; I don’t know. It can happen,” said Mama Joy. 

McKenzie also tweeted on Monday that a list of recipients receiving funds from the department would be made public, including the amounts they receive and the reasons. 

However, according to his office, this list will only be published after the cabinet meeting this coming weekend.

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