READER LETTER | Kunene's diatribe is unfortunate

Patriotic Alliance leader Kenny Kunene.
Patriotic Alliance leader Kenny Kunene.
Image: Veli Nhlapo

Patriotic Alliance leader Kenny Kunene first came to the national spotlight for all the wrong reasons. He would publicly belittle women with outrageous parties during which he would eat sushi off their naked bodies.

As if that was not enough, he continued to undermine women with his cheap politics king talk campaign of bashing women. He further went on to say foreigners are not clean but very dirty. What kind of a leader behaves and speaks such diabolic trash in public?

How do you call other black human beings "those things?"  The reckless statements by Kunene are shameful, a national disgrace. On June 5, he appeared on's Morning Show, speaking further nonsense about pregnant foreign women and illegal immigrants in general.

Such xenophobic tendencies must be condemned and discouraged at all costs as they make us look bad. The real problem is SA's inability to control the borders, and authenticate the status of people entering the country.

McDivett Khumbulani Tshehla, KwaMhlanga

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