
"Either they, Aurora, don't care about security or they are desperate," says trade union Solidarity in their reaction to the appointment of Brad Wood as head of security at Aurora mines.

We'll posit that they suffer from an affliction worse than indifference. The lives of the miners they employ - and have consistently failed to pay - means nothing to the co-owners Khulubuse Zuma and Zondwa Mandela, a politically connected nouveau riche pair.

The truth, something the young mine bosses know only too well themselves, is that Bad Brad, a former Big Brother contestant, didn't acquire his moniker by a fluke. He is bad news and worse for business.

He was on the scene and at the helm of the security company on whose watch the miners were shot dead in early August at the Ekurhuleni operations of Aurora.

What kind of employer takes on such a man - a hired gun - without pissing on the graves of the dead men?

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