Spirit of ubuntu for Mandela Day

SOUTH Africans from all walks of life must take a bow. They must do so for the spirit of ubuntu that they displayed yesterday in celebration of anti-apartheid icon Nelson Mandela's 93rd birthday.

Taking advantage of a relatively sunny day, South Africans throughout the country heeded the call to use 67 minutes of their day to do some good.

Many of them went out of their way to brighten the lives of our less fortunate compatriots giving their time, resources, skills, love and warmth.

They did so in many different ways including building a house, here, repairing a broken down school fence there, and delivering food for the hungry here and there.

We agree with President Jacob Zuma that what happened yesterday encapsulates Mandela's ideals.

Through their deeds South Africa was for a day turned into a rainbow nation wherein people of all races showed their humanity and a giving spirit.

Having said so, we also agree with President Zuma that we must overextend ourselves when it comes to spreading love, ubuntu, humility and selflessness around us.

Indeed we must make sure that we extend the 67 minutes on Mandela's birthday to 67 minutes of our everyday life wherein we will contribute towards the ideal that Mandela has lived for in his 93 years.

That is the ideal of a South Africa wherein all citizens will enjoy equal rights and access to basic services like education and shelter, as well as the right to dream and live in happiness.

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