SETHULEGO MATEBESI | New parties have ushered in an era of unprecedented opposition politics

Voter apathy among youth a knotty and vexing challenge

Supporters at the MK manifesto launch at Orlando Stadium on May 18, 2024 In Soweto, South Africa.
Supporters at the MK manifesto launch at Orlando Stadium on May 18, 2024 In Soweto, South Africa.
Image: Misha Jordaan

SA has entered a pivotal stage of the 2024 general elections. Aside from the usual drama surrounding electoral politicking – the twists and turns of new political parties and election campaigns – the forthcoming elections have yielded theatrical spectacles that have kept us intrigued over the past few months.

Depending on how far back you want to reflect your aesthetic lens, the drama began with the furore over the spike in the number of young people who registered as new voters. In light of this, political parties had run relentless campaigns targeting young voters.

A supporter of the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) holds a placard with the face of Julius Malema, during the "Tshela Thupa" final rally, ahead of the May 29 elections, at the Peter Mokaba Stadium, in Polokwane.
A supporter of the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) holds a placard with the face of Julius Malema, during the "Tshela Thupa" final rally, ahead of the May 29 elections, at the Peter Mokaba Stadium, in Polokwane.
Image: Siphiwe Sibeko

There is a deeper issue here, however. Over the past three decades, voter apathy among young people  has been a knotty and vexing challenge that many scholars and policymakers have grappled with. What is provided – almost constantly – by the youth as a reason for the general apathy is a distrust of formal politics.

While young people may see voting as trivial, especially in comparison to their purported different and new forms of engaging with democracy, I grapple with understanding how they will be staking a claim in the future of a country they will inherit.

Elections logo
Elections logo
Image: Elections Logo

There is one thing South Africans are certain of about the elections: the proliferation of new political parties. Insofar as this year’s elections are concerned, of the independent candidates and newly registered parties expected to contest the elections – including Build One SA  and Rise Mzansi – it is the emergence of Umkhonto weSizwe (MK) Party, backed by former president Jacob Zuma, and former ANC secretary-general Ace Magashule’s African Congress for Transformation (ACT), that ushered in a new era of unprecedented opposition politics in the democratic and political space.

Ironically, the MK Party, whose leader has been blamed for state capture and many other of the country’s failures, has enjoyed prominent winning streaks in the courts to ensure that Zuma is not removed from its parliamentary lists, and the party continues to use the name and logo of Umkhonto weSizwe that the ANC claimed belonged to its military wing.

Democratic Alliance (DA) supporters chant slogans and sing songs as DA, leader John Steenhuisen arrives to speak at the final DA election rally held in Willowmoore Stadium, Benoni on May 26, 2024 in Johannesburg.
2154755834 Democratic Alliance (DA) supporters chant slogans and sing songs as DA, leader John Steenhuisen arrives to speak at the final DA election rally held in Willowmoore Stadium, Benoni on May 26, 2024 in Johannesburg.
Image: Chris McGrath

Given Zuma and Magashule’s complex and frosty relationship with the ANC and their open hostility towards President Cyril Ramaphosa, these populist leaders idealised the forthcoming elections as a thrilling adventure with countless opportunities to provide a viable alternative to the ANC. For example, the MK Party’s radical socialist and conservative policies will ensure the state has almost everything. On the other hand, ACT, which is set to launch its manifesto soon, is still determined to unseat the governing ANC and disrupt the status quo, especially in the Free State.

Nevertheless, regardless of strong rebukes of these former leaders by ANC secretary-general, Fikile Mbalula, that had the unintended consequence of illustrating how the party protects its leaders at the expense of advancing national priorities, this leads  to another, and often ignored point: the harsh realities of elections.

For one, elections come and go, but personalities remain. And with the MK Party and ACT being led by shrewd leaders with almost unconstrained power, it is unsurprising that the two parties are already facing internal strife.

In the US it took Americans a while to realise that a current and former president would compete for the White House for the first time in that country’s history. This reality for American voters is that a win for either Joe Biden or Donald Trump will yet again yield one of the oldest presidents in the history of the US.

Generally, a harsh reality for many new political parties will hit the hardest when they realise that beneath all the glamour and shine of election campaigns are many other variables besides political rhetoric that determine election outcomes. I reckon this is a lesson learnt by the two major opposition parties ─ the DA and the EFF.

ANC supporters wait for President Cyril Ramaphosa to arrive during an election rally.
ANC supporters wait for President Cyril Ramaphosa to arrive during an election rally.
Image: Per-Anders Pettersson/Getty Images

As the tumultuous clock of the high-stakes elections ticks on, the DA decided to provide its own twist to the political theatre through its advertisement featuring the burning of the SA flag.

The DA’s provocative move, intended to make a strong statement about the party’s view on the performance of the ANC, has backfired and caused outrage among most citizens. The DA’s response that its advert was well-intentioned is of even more significant concern.

In a country already fraught with racial tension and polarisation, using intentions as a blanket justification for disrespectful actions towards national symbols sets a dangerous precedent. Resorting to such extreme measures to capture attention illuminates a lack of understanding of the far-reaching consequences of such actions.

As the curtain closes on campaigns, it is more important than ever that citizens and political parties approach national symbols with the reverence and respect they deserve.


  • Matebesi is associate professor and academic head of department of sociology at the University of the Free State

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