SIYANDA MAGAYANA | Pride Month a stark reminder of the realities faced by LGBTQI+ community

Pride month.
Pride month.
Image: Loren Elliott/Reuters

The month of June is International Pride Month, a time to celebrate and commemorate the strides that have been made by various LGBTQI+ persons and groups, as well as allies to decriminalise homosexuality worldwide.

It is also a time that serves as a symbol of solidarity, visibility and resilience for this community. However, against the backdrop of ongoing criminalisation, homophobia, transphobia, discrimination and violence targeted at this group across the globe, the question arises: can we truly celebrate?

The significance that Pride Month holds for all LGBTQI+ people is noteworthy on a global scale. During this month, LGBTQI+ individuals are allowed to affirm their identity, honour and commemorate history, while equally advocating for equality in the volatile times on our continent and beyond.

However, it is important to note that despite the strides that have been made to recognise, legalise and protect lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and other non-normative identities worldwide, LGBTQI+ individuals in Africa and globally continue to experience a complex mix of emotions.

In Africa and globally again, even in countries like SA where same-sex relationships and marriages are legally recognised, violence, discrimination, resistance and harassment remain prevalent issues for this community. This is indicative of the life-long struggle for equality and safety for LGBTQI+ individuals, underscoring the need for continued advocacy and support. Likewise, while Pride Month may offer a chance to commemorate moments of resilience, solidarity and triumph, it equally serves as a stark reminder of the ongoing realities of being subjected to daily violence, rejection at home and by the system, and different forms of discrimination.

There has been a surge in the criminalisation of same-sex relationships in several African countries, and worldwide – the most recent and most talked about being Uganda. Outside of religious arguments, the criminalisation of homosexuality and homosexual acts in Africa is often justified by claims that denote it as a foreign concept that undermines the history, traditions and sovereign culture and foundations of the continent.

Consequently, many countries enforce severe punishments, including imprisonment and death sentences, for those found guilty of practising homosexuality. These laws represent a gross violation of human rights and contribute to a social crisis marked by stigma, fear and violence against gender non-conforming and LGBTQI+ individuals.

Likewise, as sentiments that argue that same-sex attraction and relationships are un-African and a Western import persist, the marginalisation and discrimination of the LGBTQI+ community will continue, further entrenching their vulnerability within our societies. In addition, the criminalisation of same-sex identities and relationships has far-reaching and devastating effects on LGBTQI+ individuals globally. These effects permeate every aspect of their life, threatening not just their personal safety and freedom, but also their mental health and well-being, as well as access to justice and economic opportunities.

The impact of the criminalisation of homosexuality on the human rights and dignity of gender non-comforting and non-normative identities cannot be overstated. It has far-reaching consequences for not only human rights and dignity but also for social justice.

The systemic oppression that continues to subject and deprive LGBTQI+ persons of their inherent right to freedom of expression, autonomy and dignity, as enshrined in the constitution and global policies, calls for a national and international awakening for all. LGBTQI+ rights are equally human rights, and they are similar to the rights of those who are perceived to have normative identities, such as heterosexual individuals.

Moreover, just as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and other identities have the right to live freely, express their love and pursue relationships without fear of violence, being jailed or discrimination, so too should LGBTQI+ individuals.

And, amid the criminalisation and ongoing chastising of LGBTQI+ identities worldwide, it is crucial to remember that their rights are not special privileges, but rather ensuring that everyone, regardless of gender identity and sexual orientation ought to be protected and enjoy the same freedoms and same rights.

Although celebrating Pride Month is often fraught with complexities and challenges, it is still a time to reflect, celebrate and be courageous in the fight against gender inequality, discrimination, violence and justice. This month, globally, continues to symbolise the resilience of LGBTQI+ individuals as they assert their right to exist fully, openly and authentically.

Therefore, amid the ongoing criminalisation and violence, it is crucial that we stand in solidarity, protect, and amplify the voices of the LGBTQI+ community by repealing any discriminatory laws that seek to erase and undermine their rightful existence. Furthermore, it is imperative that anti-discriminatory laws that safeguard everyone’s rights – regardless of gender identity and sexual orientation continue to be applied equitably.

In conclusion, pride month is a dual-faceted observation for many. On the one hand, it is a time filled with joyous parades and reflective dialogues celebrating how far the LGBTQI+ community and movement has come.

On the other hand, amidst the criminalisation of queer identities, it is a sombre time for many who have been, and continue to be, subjects of violence, rejection, ridicule and discrimination because of their gender identity and sexual orientation.

As we celebrate this annual initiative, we need to remember and support those who cannot do so openly, and continue to advocate for a society where everyone, regardless of their gender identity and sexual orientation can live freely and openly without fear.

  • Magayana is senior officer: Gender Equality and Anti-Discrimination Office, Unit for Institutional Change and Social Justice at the University of the Free State

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