READER LETTER | Why is EFF now giving its 'enemy', the ANC, votes?

Image: Ziphozonke Lushaba

I am worried about the sudden and selective the ANC cooperation with the EFF in some metros and municipalities around the country.

It is a known fact that the EFF wants to take power from the ANC at all cost. They hate the ANC and caused it to be in opposition benches in a number of metros and municipalities by giving its votes to the DA for some time now.

What has suddenly changed with the EFF? Is it playing chess games with the ANC? Is the ANC naÏve to not see what's the game plan? Or is it ANC obsession with power that is clouding their judgment about EFF motives?

The ANC is a unitary organisation and can't sleep with the enemy of the ANC president in some metros. Today, while negotiating with the ANC about power sharing in some provinces and metros, it is planning to disrupt President Cyril Ramaphosa during the state of the nation address. It is also proceeding with the planned shutdown next month.

Key question should be why now the EFF is giving the ANC its votes and being prepared to serve in any position given? Is it taking those positions to bankroll its 2024 elections against the ANC? Is it working with some in the ANC to destabilise and ultimately overthrow Ramaphosa?

Those who are colluding with the EFF have a clear agenda of staying away from long jail sentences and lingering in corridors of power at all costs.

The ANC stands to lose more, while the EFF stands to gain in so many ways. So, this sudden selective change in the EFF support for the ANC and against the president comes at the right time for the EFF to lure support from disgruntled members of the  ANC, especially those who lost the contestation at recent ANC conferences.

I know for sure that the EFF's intentions are not good for the ANC and the ANC is duped by them. Julius Malema might be our next deputy president of the country soon.

Moses Zola Ka-Manake, Roodekrans, Roodepoort

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