READER LETTER | ANC has ruined SA, kick them out

The ANC flag. File photo.
The ANC flag. File photo.
Image: Ziphozonke Lushaba

As predicted in the aftermath of Andre de Ruyter’s resignation/summary dismissal, the ANC in all its purulence has tried to place responsibility for the past, present, and future black out situation onto the shoulders of the only person who has been able to keep the few lights on that we have.

The ANC has seemingly forgotten, or never knew, because collectively they are as stupid as a stone, that the collapsed exhaust pipe in Kusile was the direct result of the ANC’s political interference through its Chancellor House (ANC money making/laundering organisation) and Hitachi business dealings.

The hydrogen bomb at Medupi was no doubt the direct catastrophic result of chommie/comrade deployment, which is a mirror image of just about the entirety of SA after three decades of the ANC and its comrade deployment policy. And to make it more outrageous the El Predidente of the ANC and the country are totally unrepentant of this disastrous policy that has caused the ruination of the country, from top to bottom.

What amazes me is that in the public domain; from the man on the street, to the press, to economists and social/political commentators, no one has ever asked why the country does not look to embers of success in the RSA... like for example Cape Town and the Western Cape, both of which just happen to be run by the DA. That our very opinionated free press has not been at the forefront of the advocacy of an honest and well run political setup like Cape Town defies all reason.

The ANC has run its course with the litany of woes it has burdened us with. The same ANC has apportioned none of the blame upon itself, but it is always someone else who is to blame. “Just keep us at the feeding trough and on the gravy train.”

The only way for this to end well for the people of SA is for a peaceful revolution at the ballot box. Kick the ANC out of power throughout the entire Republic, at every opportunity.

Dr Peter C Baker, Parktown North, Johannesburg

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