READER LETTER | So-called politicians filled with greed are thugs in suits

SA parliament
SA parliament
Image: Anton Scholtz

It is very disappointing to see opposition parties which are supposed to "unseat " the Anc having squabbles among themselves. They are supposed to be our hope to save this country but clearly, they have other ideas.

Greed is so imbedded in politicians they don't care about this country but only about their stomachs. The cropping up of multiple political parties can attest to this. Their sole direction is to the riches, nothing else. They can even kill for that.

This administration is like a headless chicken. They have no clue to fix what they've broken. As citizens of this country, we are stuck with a clueless government with corruption being the order of the day from the bottom to the top.

All that is left from these so-called politicians are treasure hunters and thugs in suits. Rivalry is already brewing in the Inkatha Freedom Party. – Lefty Zondi, Khutsong. 

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