READER LETTER | Women must be financially independent


I have always wondered why we keep on hearing about gender-based violence (GBV) cases, which never stop, but keeps on rearing its ugly head.

Women are naturally beacons of hope, nurturers, and hard workers who deserve nothing but the best treatment possible, like royalty and eggs. They must be treated with dignity and respect.

First and foremost, for them to be happy they must be independent and not be dependents. One of the main causes behind violence against women is that they fall in love for all the wrong reasons –"gold diggers".

They do so to be financially provided for and this puts their lives at risk, and vulnerability, as men take advantage of the situation. Gone are the days when women saw marriage as the ultimate golden achievement. Gone are the days when women will be baby-making machines confined to stay-home moms. Gone are the days when women will show their skills doing house chores and cooking in the kitchen.

Times have changed drastically... Gone are the days when men after paying “ilobolo - mahadi” feel entrenched and entitled to treat women as trash, things, dirt or as soccer balls to kick around. Women are not property.

Women, fall in love and get into those relationships with your eyes wide open. His material possessions you found him with are his, not yours. Once you heed my advice he won't financially, verbally, physical and emotionally abuse you.

I have always admired women's bravery as they keep those home fires burning. Behind every successful man is a woman;"mosadi o tshwara thipa ka bogaleng", "wathinta umfazi wathinta imbokodo". Women's bravery must be saluted. You strike a woman you strike a rock. Women, place yourself in a financial position to buy yourself a 2-litre coke and not marry it. –McDivett Khumbulani Tshehla, Mpumalanga

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