READER LETTER | SA politicians only care about their stomachs

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Image: Deaan Vivier

Decaying infrastructure, deteriorating healthcare services, electricity outages, high levels of unemployment, with the youth being the most affected, just to mention a few of the endless list of wrong things about SA today.

With  newly formed political parties mushrooming everywhere, one wonders what the future holds for us the voters, as these parties join the project of unrealistic, empty election promises we are already familiar with.


 Elections are being used as a vehicle to ascend to wealthy lifestyles as MPs, members of provincial legislatures and councillors. Instead of serving the poor masses, these elected representatives doze off on legislature benches while their bank balances fatten.

As soon as they attain victory, we are quickly forgotten. They forget that our alarms and doorbells rang non-stop during their campaigns.

No wonder  they say politics is a dirty game. Vote using your conscience. 

McDivett Khumbulani Tshehla, KwaMhlanga

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