READER LETTER | History will remember slaughter of Palestinians

People attend a protest in solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza, amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas, in Gdansk, Poland, May 19, 2024.
People attend a protest in solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza, amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas, in Gdansk, Poland, May 19, 2024.

The ruthless slaughter of innocent civilians in Gaza lays the foundation for the world to see the true nature of Israel’s determination to wipe off Palestinians. The stomach-churning photographs and the gruesome details expose the double standards and hypocrisy of the outside world. The tepid reaction of the world community is truly astonishing, given the brutality going on in the lands of the Palestinians.

We must honour the memories of those who perished and those who have survived the attacks on them; it is our moral obligation. How can refugees survive and progress, when they live under the fearful shadow of Israel’s powerful military killing machine? Gaza and Palestine have become the Auschwitz of the 21st century.

The Palestinians have become a forgotten people. All the pain, sorrow and hardships over the past 80 years, have not moved the conscience of mankind. The world must bear witness to the enormities of the savagery inflicted on a landless people. Surrounded by total horror, peaceful refugees, anticipating their own deaths appealed to humanity not to forget them.

They have become defenceless victims as Israel gruesomely enforces “The Final Solution”. The gun chamber has now replaced the gas chamber as a weapon of total annihilation of a people.

Jackboot tactics have now replaced diplomacy as an instrument of Israel’s foreign policy posture. History will remember these massacres as a date that will live in infamy.

Farouk Araie, Benoni

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