READER LETTER | Nation building not Zuma's priority

Jacob Zuma addresses Umkhonto weSizwe party members at the Johannesburg High Court during the court case between Jacob Zuma v/s Jabulani Khumalo about MK Party Leadership at Johannesburg.
Jacob Zuma addresses Umkhonto weSizwe party members at the Johannesburg High Court during the court case between Jacob Zuma v/s Jabulani Khumalo about MK Party Leadership at Johannesburg.
Image: Freddy Mavunda

Jacob Zuma is threatening violence. His comments outside the court on Monday are telling, as he made direct threats to the IEC and indirectly told the public of violence to follow if he does not get what he wants.

Zuma's supporters attacked MK Party founder Jabulani Khumalo outside the court. This is what the MK Party is about. Do you remember the violent scenes outside the court during the Zuma rape trial? 

The ANC pretended not to see what Zuma' supporters did. Now the same people are threatening them. I am worried that police are sleeping on the job again as they did during July 2021 riots.

Do not take Zuma' threats lightly. He claims his new party have won the elections without providing any proof of the phantom 11-million votes he refers to. Zuma is a master of disinformation and misinformation. He and his supporters are prepared to plunge this country into a cycle of chaos as they did in 2021.

He will do anything, including using the MK Party, to take back control of the ANC from Cyril Ramaphosa. If it means unleashing violence, Zuma will do it. You dare not dismiss Zuma's threats.

Election-linked violence in Africa is not a new phenomenon, as we witnessed it in Zimbabwe, Kenya and other countries in recent years.

Leaders must help build the country and give hope to the people. Many are starving and need food. Strengthen the economy and create jobs. We need peace and stability.

War talks and threats of violence will not help the country. Learn from other African countries whose economies never recovered from civil wars and social strife.

Zuma does not care about the MK Party or this country; it is all about him and his family. Unemployment and corruption are not his biggest worries. Nation building is not on his to-do list. We need matured leadership to take this country forward.

Dr Lucas Ntyintyane, by email  

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