READER LETTER | Coalition to take down ANC must be prevented

Image: Anton Scholtz

Now that the dust has settled down, we are able to separate the goats from sheep. Power mongers have been exposed, and true leaders with a vision to take SA forward with policies that will benefit everyone have to stand up and raise their hands.

SA cannot be held to ransom by an ex-convict, a cult leader. What kind of “leader” instigates his followers to destroy the very country he claims to love? This cult leader has crossed the line with his threats of violence.

And I’m not surprised the leader of the EFF has joined forces, because he thrives in chaotic situations.

About two months ago, I predicted that all Zumarites would come together and form a strong alliance with the aim of taking power from the ANC. And now it’s happening – MKP, EFF, ACT, ATM and UDM are forming the biggest “Den of Thieves” the world has ever seen.

It will comprise the cream of the criminal underworld, thieves and looters of note. So I appeal to police minister Bheki Cele to stop being a TV presenter and start doing the job he was hired to do, that of arresting instigators, thugs, looters and those threatening to make the country ungovernable.

We don’t want a repeat of the July 2021 unrest. ANC, DA, IFP, PA, FF+ and ACDP, I sincerely appeal to you to put aside your differences and put SA first. Please  stop this travesty of justice.

Bushy Green, Kagiso

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