READER LETTER | Sooner SA puts country back to work the better for all

Sooner SA puts country back to work the better for all, writes Dr Peter Bachtis.
Sooner SA puts country back to work the better for all, writes Dr Peter Bachtis.
Image: Anton Scholtz

As we crawl along towards a government of national unity, minority government or a coalition government, I am awed by the commentary from the anti-DA elements in government, as well as political commentators like Stephen Grootes of Newzroom Afrika, SABC and Daily Maverick, as well as from many in the chat radio community.

The DA is castigated as too pro-business, capitalist, white and even anti-black. It is probably the most non-racist of the lot of them. The sooner we take race out of the equation the better.

We are at risk of the likes of the ANC, EFF and especially the MKP, bringing back “Grand Apartheid” under the same guise we saw in this country over half-a-century ago. Shame on us!

It is interesting to hear the anti-DA commentary along the lines that they are anti-poor, anti-black, anti-minimum wage, anti-collective bargaining, which implies that they, the likes of the SACP and Cosatu, are speaking for the workers. Well, just to inform these idiots that the majority of South Africans have no jobs...they are unemployed, so they are poor.

Where will the government get the cash to hire millions of the unemployed? From taxes, the only source of income for our government, which by the way is bankrupt.

The sooner SA catches a wake-up call and does the basic maths of putting our country back to work, the sooner we will haul ourselves out of the morass of self-pity and economic collapse.

Dr Peter Bachtis, Johannesburg

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