READER LETTER | SA has been given a second chance

The National Assembly's first sitting was held on Friday where Cyril Ramaphosa was re-elected as president of South Africa
The National Assembly's first sitting was held on Friday where Cyril Ramaphosa was re-elected as president of South Africa
Image: GCIS

Brazilian writer Paulo Coelho once said: “When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too.”

As the proceedings of the first session of the government of national unity (GNU) slowly and successfully unfolded, a warm feeling of hope and gratitude flared up in my soul, along with a sense of pride and relief.

For the first time, I witnessed democracy in action in our country. May it continue to grow and prosper. The voters have been heard, and SA has been put first. We say thank you for this.

During this first session of parliament, we saw maturity as well as tolerance, respect and dignity. May this continue. SA has been given a new life, a second chance. This should never be taken for granted or trampled with cynicism, mockery and negative comments and actions.

Even after 30 years, distrust and fear can still be seen and heard among people; this stems from a hurtful past. We must stop reopening old wounds. Not only must the economy, infrastructure and so forth be improved, but it is high time that better human relationships are built and promoted.

It would be foolish to believe that our problems will disappear overnight; they will not. I want to believe that politicians will match their actions to their words and tackle problems purposefully and responsibly to deliver the best results.

This will require perseverance and keeping their eyes fixed on the bigger picture. It will also require support and motivation from us, as a nation, to encourage rather than constantly finding fault and speaking ill.

I am proud and hopeful for the future of SA.

Marianne Barnard, Umhlanga, KZN

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