READER LETTER | MKP should put SA’s best interests before their grudge fight

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Image: Alet Pretorius

The 2024 general elections presented a new political landscape in SA. It was expected that the governing party would climb a tall tree without branches in these elections.

With this behind us, one was hoping that the umKhonto Wesizwe Party (MKP) soldiers would fight and chew at the same time.

Put simply, MKP should’ve timeously challenged the alleged irregularities committed by the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) and let the sitting of Parliament to take precedence in a concurrent way. By doing so, the country wins, regardless of the court outcome. It’s a lost opportunity that dictates MK to honour its deployment and contribute towards leading society to make a course correction.

The electorate has shown itself not to be naïve of the status quo or devoid of wit to discern deceit. A vote for a coalition government of diametrically opposed parties is a clear demonstration that their will can shift the situation to a desired state. It began with the mass resistance and defiance campaign against the apartheid regime as a show of unity in action. Then the youth of 1976 successfully rose up and forced those without any moral authority to be at the helm to bask in a sunless hole.

In short, nothing defeats the willpower and selfless activism of our people in a cause that has weight.

There’s an adage in Sepedi, that goes: “Mokgodi wa morithi ga se modudi wa wona.” Loosely translated, it means those who plant trees are mindful of toiling for future generations. This being the case, MKP should put the country’s best interests before a grudge fight.

Common sense should prevail with the benefit of lessons learnt ahead of the 2026 local government elections. That way we’ll all reap from the wisdom of good judgement.

Morgan Phaahla, Ekurhuleni    

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