READER LETTER | Rainbow Nation spirit reignited

Members of the society at the inauguration at Union Building in Pretoria.
Members of the society at the inauguration at Union Building in Pretoria.
Image: GCIS

“There is always something new out of Africa.” – Pliny the Elder. The spirit of the Rainbow Nation that inspired the world three decades ago has been reignited. The difference between then and today is that political forces have been tried and tested over the past three decades. Lessons have been learned.

South Africans have come to realise that the mere title of liberation movement is no longer enough to govern our diverse nation towards unity and prosperity. Yes, the doors have been opened for the previously disadvantaged to move into the mainstream of our society and economy, but in the process greed and abuse of power led to endemic corruption, crime levels rose to unacceptable levels and black economic empowerment, though a necessary instrument originally, led to a loss of experience and skills in vital sectors of our economy. Much-needed skills fled our country.

But we have grown as a nation since 1994. On community level, people have started to talk and work together; schools and universities have been integrated, glass ceilings in the workplace have been removed, and discrimination in sports is a thing of the past. We are united behind our national teams, our national anthem and our national flag.

Finally, that spirit seems to have filtered through to national politics. The world is once again surprised by the peaceful transition from domination by a liberation movement to a government of national unity.

Dawie Jacobs, Pretoria

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