READER LETTER | Mr President, align with parties advocating for land

President Cyril Ramaphosa was also welcomed to the high office by a poet who delivered a poem in various languages that are officially recognised, to which the president showed gratitude to by giving the poet a hug.
President Cyril Ramaphosa was also welcomed to the high office by a poet who delivered a poem in various languages that are officially recognised, to which the president showed gratitude to by giving the poet a hug.
Image: Thapelo Morebudi

In his speech President Cyril Ramaphosa mentioned that “the people of South Africa have spoken about the land they want to farm” which is against the bed that his party has taken to sleep upon.

The people of SA have no land, they succumb as tenants because the land is in the hands of a minority. President, do you still remember the pair of boots and bicycle approach which led to a land in the hands of the wrong people that you’re giving power to today? 

Do you still remember Mr President the bill that was passed in parliament of expropriation of land that your ANC together with the EFF voted for in parliament? All will be in vain because you want to save your head at the expense of the majority suffering black South Africans who are landless. Mr President, the bed you’re preparing with the DA is for your own benefit, but not in the interest of the country.

How long should we wait for you to appoint the cabinet, is the DA more important than the ANC? If indeed people have spoken, you had an opportunity to choose like-minded parties which advocate for land and a better life for black people. GNU is the end of black people’s wishes and a death penalty to the ruling party.

Mr President, I believe you know what is good for black people but your ego is more than the interest of the black majority. Let the Phala Phala saga not be used to sell us to the DA and Westerners. We love our country and we shall always remain and we do not vote to be sold out. 

Martin Ntebalene Rabaloi Sekgosese, Limpopo

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