READER LETTER | AfriForum targets Mngxitama

02 July 2024 - 14:45
Andile Mngxitama
Image: KABELO MOKOENA Andile Mngxitama

Andile Mngxitama is an interesting but controversial figure. The new MK Party MP stepped into the public domain through his advocacy for land expropriation without compensation. At one time he was a parliamentarian under the EFF banner. However, that did not last long as he was at odds with the red berets' leadership of Julius Malema and Floyd Shivambu.

For quite some time, the founder of the BLF party was in the political wilderness until his political fortunes changed last month when he was named among the MK Party's 58 MPs.

Interestingly, a few days after Mngxitama was sworn in, AfriForum wrote a petition for him to be axed as an MP. The petition was signed by a number of people. In the past, AfriForum took him to court over something that he said and deemed racial against white people. The orgnaisation lost the case.

The former minister of sport, arts and culture Zizi Kodwa was sworn in as an ANC MP the same day as Mngxitama. At the end of the 6th administration last month, Kodwa had resigned as minister because of the corruption charges he's facing yet AfriForum said nothing about that.

Why is AfriForum singling out Mngxitama? Is it because it hates him for what he stands for, land expropriation without compensation? Touch the land question as a black person, you touch the nerve of AfriForum and the white people it represents. They will leave no stone unturned fighting you.

AfriForum represents the interest of white Afrikaners and when white people make racial remarks against black people, the organisation keeps quiet. It has said nothing about the DA's Renaldo Gouws's racist video. But when black people make racist remarks against white people, it is quick to run to the courts.

Is that not racist?

Thabile Mange, Mogale City