READER LETTER | Duduzile’s treated unfairly

Umkhonto Wesizwe Party officials led by Duduzile Zuma at the 2024 Election National Results Operation Centre (ROC) at Gallagher Convention Centre in Midrand Johannesburg.
Umkhonto Wesizwe Party officials led by Duduzile Zuma at the 2024 Election National Results Operation Centre (ROC) at Gallagher Convention Centre in Midrand Johannesburg.
Image: Freddy Mavunda

Failure to speak out against the objectification of the female member of parliament, Duduzile Zuma, reverses the gains achieved in the fight against patriarchy and women’s rights in SA.

Since the news of Duduzile going to parliament, pictures of her wearing bikini and swimwear outfits have been posted at an alarming rate on social media. Flooding social media with these pictures is meant to derail society from viewing her as a leader who was fairly elected in that position and reduces her to a pretty face with no capacity to be in parliament.

The fact that these pictures were already posted on social media, does not excuse the timing and insinuation charged by those reposting them now.  

Standing up against an unjust act should not be influenced by political affiliation, gender or race. Let us not forget that, not so long ago, many found it funny when, former president Jacob Zuma, made fun of people’s accents in parliament but when Willie Madisha turned a similar focus on Dr Naledi Pandor’s accent people were outraged.

As a society, we have to speak truth to power all the time, not only when it serves us. Those who have dug up Duduzile’s photo and are trying to project her as just a piece of meat are wrong. We should all stand up against it.

Luzuko Pongoma, by email

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