Sive Mabuya takes comedic turn in Netflix’s new romantic comedy

The actor graces latest digital cover of SMag

Masego Seemela Online journalist
Sive Mabuya takes on romantic comedy on Netflix's How To Ruin Love: The Proposal.
Sive Mabuya takes on romantic comedy on Netflix's How To Ruin Love: The Proposal.
Image: Themba Mokase

Sive Mabuya looks fierce as she graces the latest digital cover of SMag.

All eyes are on Mabuya, taking a comedic turn as Zoleka Dzana in Netflix’s new romantic comedy How To Ruin Love: The Proposal. Renowned for her dramatic characters, most memorable Xolile Langa in Scandal!, Mabuya spill the details on her bold career shift ahead of the premiere on Friday: 

How was it like starring in your first Netflix lead role?

It was nerve-wrecking but it was always something I wanted to do. I knew it was going to be tough, I knew I was going to be scared and nervous but in a good way and hopefully it’s one of many. 

This makes a comedic turn for you. Are you funny?

I don’t think I’m funny but I guess it all came to the script and getting into character because that’s all I had to do for everything to come together. So far, the reception has been so beautiful and I’m so incredibly happy and excited for everyone else to see it because it was extremely challenging for me but I was also glad that I got to play such a character like Zoleka. 

Did you enjoy playing Zoleka?

She’s has been a character I’ve been longing for – she’s someone who speaks isiXhosa and she’s from the Eastern Cape like me. So, I play someone who reminds me of an aunt or sister of mine. I resonated with her so much. In order to pull off a convincing act, I knew I had to allow myself to be ugly, hilarious, crazy and just over the top. I had to tap into every emotion to give out Zoleka.

Image: Themba Mokase

In real-life you are nothing like Zoleka because you are married to Aphiwe Bukani?

My husband is such a beautiful being. He’s my biggest support system. He has more faith in me than I have in myself. My marriage to him has taught me so much about love and more about myself. It has shown me the many faces love has and the sacrifices one makes. 

Take us back to your teething moments in the industry?

Before I did commercials, my very first role was on a lokshin bioskop and then I got to act on High Rollers. I then got my very first commercial which was a Simba Ad. 

How long did that last?

I only did three commercials before I got my big break on Scandal!. I knew being an actor for commercials wasn’t a part of the plan, I just used it as a way to showcase my versatility but I knew television acting was more my niche.  

How was it like being on the set of Scandal!?

It was an unbelievable experience. I remember it so well like it was yesterday – I even have butterflies in my stomach right now because it was just Scandal!, that was one of the biggest shows in the country, but I was working with some of the biggest stars in the country.

Hlomla Dandala was playing my dad and Lusanda Mbane was playing my mother. My first day, was also Ayanda Daweti’s [he played her brother Chumani Langa] first day, we were both shaking and terrified.

Image: Themba Mokase

Do you still keep in touch with your Scandal! family?

Lusanda and I are still close until this day, she’ll always be one of those important people in my life. She was telling me the other day how proud she is of me and mind blowing how far I’ve come. She was telling me how I’m not longer that little girl who she felt she had to hide from away from the world. 

How do you remember young Sive?

From as young as I can remember, I knew I enjoyed role playing. I come from the Eastern Cape and it had little to offer in terms of the media and industry. We didn’t have drama classes but plays and talent shows. I was always that girl who everyone would choose to emcee or lead because of how dramatic I was and my love for stage. Even at church, I was always at the forefront, the stage was where I came alive. I always knew my life was either here in Johannesburg or Cape Town even Hollywood.

Image: Themba Mokase

How did you escape?

I matriculated at 17 and I then enrolled into varsity. First year, I realised that public relations wasn’t what I wanted to do and I knew I had to move. My mom gave me an ultimatum that I can only move if I move with the school, so I corresponded successfully for three years, until my last year of varsity, I dropped out because that’s when I got my first big break on Scandal!.

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