Pirates defender arrested

Orlando Pirates defender Ayanda Gcaba. Picture Credit: Gallo Images
Orlando Pirates defender Ayanda Gcaba. Picture Credit: Gallo Images

Orlando Pirates and Bafana Bafana defender Ayanda Gcaba was allegedly arrested for contempt of court on Thursday, report.

Gcaba was caught speeding and instructed appear to court in January but he never arrived. A warrant of arrest was issued for the player, who is said to have been driving at a high speed, according to Daily Sun.

Lieutenant Kay Makhubela confirmed that Ayanda failed to appear in court in January and that he was arrested yesterday after a warrant for his arrest was issued. He was due to appear in court yesterday.

Pirates spokesman Mickey Modisane told the paper: “He couldn’t make it to court because he was called up for the Bafana Bafana squad. He was supposed to communicate this with Safa and the courts but he failed to do so.

"It was ignorance on his part.

“We condemn any unlawful behaviour by our players. Soccer players serve as an example to kids and we expect them to behave.

“Unfortunately this is a situation beyond our control,” Modisane said.

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