Steve Hofmeyr hits back at MultiChoice decision to not air his content

Steve Hofmeyr says he will continue to fight for the "woes"of his "tribe".
Steve Hofmeyr says he will continue to fight for the "woes"of his "tribe".
Image: Gallo Images / Foto24 / Lisa Hnatowicz

Controversial Afrikaans musician Steve Hofmeyr told TshisaLIVE that he's disappointed by MultiChoice's decision to stop airing content featuring him on all of its platforms, and that he voted for a new SA to free his colleagues from "this type of old-school censorship".

MultiChoice confirmed to TshisaLIVE on Tuesday that it decided not to air any of Steve's content, which includes archived material from the star, and to distance itself from the controversial artist.

This after a tweet from the musician in 2014 resurfaced on social media where he claimed black people were the "architects of apartheid". 

Steve said he would not fight the decision, except where contracts are broken, and will be looking to move his content to another platform "in need of content".

He said that he was disappointed by the decision and pointed out that he had provided a lot of content to MultiChoice's platforms.

"I remember voting for the new SA primarily to free my colleagues from this type of old-school censorship. I doubt many artists provided MultiChoice with more content through movies, music, videos, interviews and talk shows through the years. They advertised DStv at my concerts as recently as last weekend, when more than 7,000 people came to watch my Country Is Groot concert."

MultiChoice's decision sparked fierce debate on social media. While some applauded the company for the decision, others slammed it for "censoring" Steve.

Steve said he was grateful for the support he got and would continue to "verbalise the woes" of his "tribe".

"I will never disappoint my followers. My job here is verbalise the woes of my tribe and to comply to our constitution which safeguards my opinion, gender and religious preferences. I don't care to call for the slaughter of other South Africans, for instance."

MultiChoice added that it had no further comment on the matter beyond a statement it had made when requesting, as sponsor of the event, that the Ghoema Afrikaans Music Awards remove Steve from its nominations list.

At the time MultiChoice group executive of corporate affairs Joe Heshu said the company had requested that Steve "not form part of the event" and reaffirmed its commitment to standing against racism.

"MultiChoice is committed to the building of a non-racial society and strongly condemns any acts of discrimination. MultiChoice is proud of its support for Afrikaans, not only our investment in content for our DStv platforms, but also our sponsorship of festivals, events and the broader Afrikaans performing arts sector.

"Our commitment to Afrikaans and all local languages will not change ... We welcome a society where freedom of speech is celebrated, however we take a stand against racism."

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