Policy on history is bad, ill-advised

Image: Trevor Samson

The article in the Sowetan on making history compulsory in schools, June 1 2018, refers.

I am a strong advocate for a balanced approach towards the teaching of natural and social sciences. But the latest pronouncement by the minister of basic education that government is contemplating making history compulsory takes the crown for being naive. The ANC is once again contemplating what seems to be a futile policy. If there is anything that takes the trophy for being short-sighted is making history compulsory.

This thing of making history compulsory is ill-advised and counter-productive with dire consequences for societal development.

It's simple, people must be allowed to study history or maths out of love and not compulsion. We all have different interests.

Even if history is made compulsory, it is not going to resolve the question of racism. The home remains the setting where racism is instilled in the minds of the innocent children. That's where racism must be fought.

The very same people who distorted history and turned it into a lie know the truth. Nevertheless they proceeded to tell a lie.

One example is the fact that Africa is the cradle of humanity. This truth alone is not capable of destroying racism, because racism is not born out of history but racist ideology.

How does one contemplate that making history compulsory is going to be a magic wand to the problems of racism, inferiority and superiority complexes boggles one's mind? The sooner the ANC reviews this policy the better for all of us. The insertion of the notes in all the subjects that are related to the subject in question remains the best approach to this disastrous policy of making history compulsory.

Kobimpe Moqejwa


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