WATCH | Steve Hofmeyr smashes decoder after cancelling DStv contract

Steve Hofmeyr is not about to carry on watching his favourite DStv shows.
Steve Hofmeyr is not about to carry on watching his favourite DStv shows.
Image: Gallo Images / Foto24 / Lisa Hnatowicz

Steve Hofmeyr promised a special funeral for his DStv dish and he delivered, posting video footage of him driving over his decoder, smashing it. 

In the video, posted to his social media account yesterday, Steve cancels his DStv account, telling the consultant that MultiChoice is "racist, state captured and friends with the Guptas".

MultiChoice earlier this week confirmed it would not air any of Steve's content, including archived material of the musician, in a move to distance itself from the artist.

The decision came after a 2014 tweet from Steve re-emerged on social media, in which the musician claimed  black people were the "architects of apartheid". 

While not siding with the musician, many have criticised the move by the company, saying it is diminishing freedom of speech and neglecting an audience without any consideration.

Steve Hofmeyr promised a special funeral for his DStv dish and he delivered, posting video footage of him driving over his decoder, smashing it. People on Twitter had mixed feelings about his actions.

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